A Fellow is a person elevated to Fellow status by the Council.
Eligibility Requirement
A member of the Institute qualifies to be a Fellow if that member;
(a) has been a member of the Institute in good standing for a minimum of ten years;
(b) provides evidence of contribution to the development and growth of the Institute; and
(c) has written a minimum of two articles and published in the Institute’s magazine or journal within the past five years.
Application Procedures
(1) An applicant applying for a Fellow Membership shall complete and sign a form prescribed by the Council which shall be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer together with a minimum of 500-word essay of the contribution made, and other documents or articles written by the applicant towards the development of the accountancy profession;
(2) On receipt of an application for Fellow Membership, the Council shall within sixty days assess the application and if satisfied with the application, grant the applicant a Fellow Membership Certificate signed by the President, Vice-President and the Chief Executive Officer and embossed with the seal of the Institute;
(3) Members granted Fellow Membership status may write FCA-GICA after the members’ names with the same membership number; and
(4) The Council may refuse to grant a Fellow Membership status to the applicant if the applicant fails to meet the requirements of the Institute.